The best way to save energy costs is to make your tenants accountable for their energy usage. For office, multifamily, industrial or shopping center buildings, we can split your utility bill among all your tenants either by installing check meters or by doing a survey to estimate the energy consumption. The best is to have all tenants metered but if your budget does not allow it, we can do an energy consumption estimate for very small tenants or tenants for which their energy consumption is varying little over time. We will help you determining which tenants should have check meters and which ones an energy consumption estimate can be fairly accurate. In many buildings there are common loads shared by all tenants for example: emergency lighting, central heating, ventilation and cooling systems. Thess common loads can be metered or estimated and splitted among your tenants.
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At about $10 per tenant monthly energy consumption invoice & report why bother doing it yourself? Entrust it to us!